Is it just evaporation or do I have a leak?
What caused my swimming pool leak?
How much water is my swimming pool and/or spa losing?
Should I allow my swimming pool to drain down to locate the leak?
Will you drill holes in my deck or dig up my yard?

Is it just evaporation or do I have a leak?

It's true that evaporation rates vary based on various environmental factors, however if you find yourself frequently topping off your pool it may actually be a water leak. It is quite easy to determine whether or not you have a problem, just follow our simple bucket test instructions or call us to do a leak analysis.
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What caused my swimming pool leak?

A swimming pool leak is an unfortunate symptom of owning a swimming pool, the majority of which will have a leak of some sort at some time.  The cause of your leak could be any number of things depending on the pool structure itself, equipment type, water type/quality,  as well as many environmental factors. 

Common culprits include:

  • Cracks: In the pool's structure due to age, ground movement, or improper installation.
  • Damaged Liner: Tears or punctures in vinyl or PVC liners.
  • Plumbing Issues: Leaks in pipes, fittings, or valves due to age, chemical damage, freeze damage, or ground movement.
  • Skimmer Issues: Cracks in the skimmer housing or separation between the skimmer and the pool wall.
  • Light Fixtures: Leaks in the niche, conduit, or gaps forming between the niche and the pool shell.
  • Fittings: Leaks in or around the fittings due to ground shift or age related degradation of the pool surface or gasket allowing for a small gap to form.

The best way to determine the cause of your swimming pool leak is to give us a call.  With our years of experience, we will do a through examination of your pool and inform you of the most probable culprits.

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How much water is my swimming pool and/or spa losing?

To determine how much water you are losing, please make use of our Water Loss Calculators or call us at 443-574-5325.
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Should I allow my swimming pool to drain down to locate the leak?

No. We do not recommend allowing the water level in the swimming pool to drop down unless it is being properly drained & said draining is supervised by a qualified pool professional.  In fact, draining your swimming pool, particularly if it is a vinyl liner or fiberglass pool, can cause additional damage. Please call us at 443-574-5325 if you have any questions.

Will you drill holes in my deck or dig up my yard?

No. We only utilize non-destructive leak detection methods. We will never cut or drill into your deck and we won't be digging any holes. 

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Excalibur Leak Detection
PO Box 2847
Columbia MD 21045
(443) 574 - LEAK (5325)
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